Monday, April 8, 2013

ZIPpity doo-dah!

Who got outside last weekend and played with their spooner board? 

YIKES! I see you have a lack of coordination and, therefore, fell one too many times on your spooner board. NOT TO WORRY! There IS a prescription for my less-than-coordinated patients who still want to enjoy this nice weather...

Rx: The ultimate residential Zip Line! SPRING SWINGS SUPER Z FUN RIDE! A cable trolley ride for the "zippiest"fun in motion". Super Z is manufactured with super strong, space age plastic for added strength & weatherability. A design that holds up to 250 lbs. and an extra long 94 foot heavy duty cable that allows rides between 40' and 90'. (Recommended for patients 8 years and older)

ZIPpity doo-dah, zippity aye! My oh my, what a wonderful DEAL! Click THIS LINK to get your Spring Swings Super Z fun ride for ONLY $148.48 !!!

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