Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring time? Spooner time!

The best advice I give to my patients is... in order to live a healthy lifestyle, one must be ACTIVE! Well, Spring has SPRUNG kiddo's! It's time to get up, put your sneakers on and get outside!

ring, ring, ring
Docstocker: House call, this is Doc.
Patient: Doc, I'm outside like you said, but now what?
Docstocker: Be active!
Patient: How?
Docstocker: With the SPOONER YARD BOARD!

This toy is available over the counter (no Rx needed but HIGHLY recommended to supplement your healthy/active lifestyle). FOR ALL AGES, available in ALL colors, and sold through ME on Amazon. Click THIS LINK to get your spooner yard board today for a cheap price of $94.99-107.16 !!!

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