Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tenzi FRENZY!!!

Lift your right arm slowly... slowly... I said slowly! Wait, STOP HITTING YOUR BROTHER!!!

Diagnosis: Household boredom. Not to worry, this is a common side effect of toy depravation. We've concocted ourselves a little prescription to make you, your siblings, and everyone else on the plane happy.

Rx: It's a fun, fast, frenzy! TENZI!

(take as directed, listed below by our pharmacist)

Everyone gets ten dice. Someone says ”Go.”
Then everyone rolls and rolls as fast as they
can until someone gets all their dice on the
same number. Sure, there are a few more
rules, but you get the idea!

As usual, we have a GENERIC form for you budget/health conscious toy shoppers! Available only on Amazon for a low $13.95. Yep, you heard right: CLICK HERE to get your Rx NOW!

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